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Effective Communication in the Workplace Awareness and Training for Employees
Effective Communication in the Workplace Awareness and Training for Employees
Purchase Improving and Maintaining Effective Communication in the Workplace
If there is one workplace problem nearly every employee and management representative complains about, it is a lack of effective communication in the workplace. Unfortunately, virtually no employee or supervisor is ever introduced to a short and effective tips or education program of practical value on how to improve and maintain effective communication within the workplace. There are several strategies however, and they are all cost-effective. This one is from WorkExcel.com - a short PowerPoint, DVD, Web course, or PowerPoint with Sound, test questions, and handout.A lack of focus on effective communication by organizations results in untold financial losses associated with conflict, miscommunication, errors, and morale problems.
You can start changing this trajectory in your own organization with a program that improves awareness and offers some practical tips on effective communication in the workplace from WorkExcel.com.
Communication in the workplace is searched thousands of time each month on the Internet. This means that the problem of poor workplace communication is huge and that human resource managers and leadership staff are usually struggling to do something about it.
Although supervisor training for improving communication is crucial (a short section is found in our 14 Vital Skills for Supervisors program ), a general approach to exciting employees about communication is also needed.
The answer is an intensive, yet relatively short video, PowerPoint, DVD, or a Web course that installs on your organization’s server and that allows employees throughout your organization to educate themselves about effective communication. The goal of any communication improvement program is to create a work culture where communication is valued, and a top-of-mind awareness is created for it so almost all communication happens with clarity as a forethought.
Developing a whole new culture in your workplace dedicated to effective and powerful communication helps make even the most lofty goals more possible. It is really a fascinating thing to observe.
See this handout on Effective Communication in the Workplace
We created the program being discussed here from that handout you see above.
A big part of organizational and workplace communication is having an employee newsletter or company newsletter. Do you have one? Listen--there is no better way to cement a workforce together than having an internal organ like a newsletter, but keeping up with one is a nightmare, so we solved this program. Print this brochure and phone me at 1-800-626-4327. Do not omit this strategy from your strategic goal of improving communication in the workplace. It's now a breeze.
Dangers of Not Improving Communication in the Workplace
If you are searching for an educational module that you can plug into your organization’s strategy for improving workplace communication, then "Communication Tips for a Happier Workplace" is the product you are looking for on our Web site. It only lasts about seven minutes, but the impact will be noticeable.
When your organization fails to educate workers about effective communication in the workplace, they still communicate. However, personal issues of employees, bad communication habits learned the past, and failure to “go ask and find out” what someone meant, etc. become habits that metastasize in your organization. Toxicity results.
Employees will always demonstrate their personality quirks to communicate. All sorts of problems then follow. Imagine an employee who learned the “silent treatment” as a child growing up and using this sort of behavioral technique to punish or control coworkers in a passive aggressive fashion? Well, it happens all the time. And what do you think the ramifications are for employees and the organization when this happens? Answer: horrible.
Should an employee phone, leave a note, or go seek out a worker in person about a problem? Who should be copied in an email? And, when do you leave coworkers off a group list to avoid a larger conflict or waste of time. What is the relationship between respect and effective communication? These questions are all part of improving workplace communication. You must interrupt the dysfunctional communication behaviors of employees if you are ever going to get a grip on how to improve workplace communication.There are obvious dangers to leaving workplace communication problems unresolved. One might be incomplete information given to employees causing a loss of time, frustration, etc. These problems are only the beginning however because workplace communication dysfunction has horrible secondary effects that are worse. Some could even lead to accidents, violence, employee turnover, loss of productivity, spoilage, absenteeism, tardiness, and morale problems. Think about the linkages that are possible. In turn, all of this stuff causes further losses to the organization. So, as you can see, it all starts and ends with communication.
Human resource managers often fear that communication in an organization (or lack of it) is getting out of control. Management is angry, and the evidence of poor communication is popping up on all over. Lack of participation in organizational events, lack of feedback on important issues, “people not getting the word” about policy changes, apathy, and memos being sent that appear unread all take a toll. One popular passive aggressive behavior in the workplace associated with communication is withholding information on purpose.
Continuing conflicts between employees, apathy, a lack of employee engagement, poor morale, errors, loss of time, mistakes, spoilage, and employees not caring or reading the employee handbook can all lead to larger problems. And they can all be communication related.
Poor communication has its ultimate expression in apathy and conflict, and the worst of these can lead to workplace violence because in an organization that communicates poorly, an unspoken rule eventually develops: Communication does no good, so why bother.
This cynicism by employees breeds creates hopelessness, anger in the workplace, and distress. As you can see, effective workplace communication is the umbrella issue that affects many other behaviors for good or bad.
So what are your personal concerns about getting your organization back on track with improved workplace communication? What calamities and crises are you trying to avoid or resolve? What price are you willing to pay to get a short but meaningful educational start on this problem that will create a noticeable dent with a quantifiable impact?
We’ve created this short intense educational solution on improving communication in the workplace to make a difference with all the problems shown above. The best part is the your ability to reach all employees with a branded program of your own (if desired) with your logo on it that goes to the heart of improving workplace communication.
This product is available as a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation, DVD player format, or as a workplace communication video than will play right on your Web site or through iPads, computers, SmartPhones, or any other device.
The most powerful approach is a Web course because employees can participate, take a test, download a handout, your policy on communication (definitely get one for your organization), and a certificate of completion.
What about this idea: Your employees are asked to complete the course so you can document participation and hold workers accountable. When certain problems arise, refer to your organization’s employee assistance program (EAP) so any personal issues affecting communication can be addressed confidentially. EAPs keep track of issues in workplaces and poor workplace communication can be a symptom of a larger problem if a trend emerges. Count on your EAP to advise you about programmatic approaches to improving workplace communication (example: a Workplace News, Wellness, and Productivity Tips Newsletter).
This training solves three key problems:
Problem #1: How do you make an impression on employees to start communicating more effectively in the workplace.
Problem #2: How do we hold employees accountable for improving communication.
Problem #3: How to do we satisfy management’s demands that we improve organizational communication.If you want to find a way to improve workplace communication, then the chances are this need has existed for quite awhile. Chances are that you have seen problems associated with poor workplace communication for a long time. Now is the opportunity to solve these problems with a nice short, impactful educational program that you can use over and over.
By the way, make workplace communication part of your new employee orientation. We will prevent many problems going forward. This is how you make effective communication part of the work culture. Create a strategy, and make the orientation just on of the elements.
Take a look at the problems we have been discussing and the benefits that come with solving these problems. They are enormous. This makes price of educating employees minuscule compared to the overwhelming loss prevention impact gained from training, awareness, and improving workplace communication.
Many big companies spend thousands on helping employees and supervisors communicate better. They know the cost of poor communication. Customers, suppliers, and the partnerships that the organization develops locally or around the world must count on effective workplace communication to help ensure profitability.
The guarantee from WorkExcel.com is unconditional if you would like to give this program a try. If you use this program and are not instantly satisfied and able to witness new ways that employees demonstrate effective communication with each other, then a full refund is yours for the asking.
You know you are making an impact when employees watching the program react in real time to the concepts presented like exclamations of, "Wow, that's us!" or "Woops! That one sounds familiar!"
To order “Communication Tips for a Happier Workplace,” click here, or phone 1-800-626-4327 to order by phone. You can download any format from our server (except the DVD player format.) You can use this form found here and phone. Or fax this form to 843-884-0442.
If you’ve been thinking about the improving workplace communication don’t wait. It is easy to get distracted with projects of this type, go off to other things, and maybe never return to it.