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Federal Railway Administration Post-Accident Testing Training for Supervisors


Product Description

Welcome to this training program to assist railroads and contractors in meeting mandatory training requirements for the U.S. Federal Railway Administration post-accident training for supervisors. These are supervisors who are responsible for regulated service employees per Part 219.11 (g). Specifically, the requirement is to provide training on the qualifying criteria for FRA post-accident testing, and the role of the supervisor in post-accident collections.

The United States Federal Railway Administration has recently mandated an additional one hour of substance abuse related training called "Post-Accident Testing Training" for supervisors. This is in addition to the one hour of drugs of abuse education and awareness and the one hour of alcohol misuse education and awareness. This makes training for Railway supervisors three hours, instead of two.

This training mandatory and regulated by the U.S Federal Railway Administration as authorized and required under Part 219, Subpart C Testing Requirements.

Background of this Requirement

In 1985, to further its accident investigation program, FRA began conducting alcohol and drug tests on railroad employees who had been involved in serious train accidents that met its specified criteria for post-accident testing (see 49 CFR 219.201). Since the program’s inception, FRA has routinely conducted post-accident tests for alcohol and for certain drugs classified by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) as controlled substances because of their potential for abuse or addiction.

What's Covered in the Program

History of railroad accidents and rationale for drug testing
Understanding the contents of "Tox Boxes" - the materials
Qualifying and non-qualifying events for post-accident drug testing
Flow chart representing to successful Post Accident Testing action steps
Evacuation to prevent exposures
Definition of impact accidents
Which crew members to have tested
Other regulated employees to test for five qualifying events
Refusal to test issues, questions, actions
Recalling employees who must be tested
Review of Toxicology Boxes, contents, and purpose
Paperwork associated with post-accident testing
Timely collection
Medical treatment priority over testing
Where to collect urine specimens in odd situations
Sealing and transporting, managing and shipping toxicology specimens
Death and post-mortum testing
Contacts an the U.S. Railway Administration for Questions
Test Questions

Discussion of Required Training

We discuss the circumstances associated with different accidents like major train accidents where testing is required; what happens when there is a fatality; impact accidents, fatal train incidents, passenger train accidents, human-factor highway-rail grade crossing accidents and incidents and how drug testing relates to these events.

We cover the issues associated with the use of “Tox Boxes”;what a regulated employee is; exceptions to training under a multitude of circumstances; responding to incidents; how to obtain specimens; roles and responsibilities; penalties for refusal to test; communications; shipping specimens; how to decide if an employee or employees need to be tested; responsibilities of railroads and employees; requirement by employees to participate in testing; testing of fatalities; time frames within which testing must occur; who must be tested for what; timely specimen collection; breath testing issues; recalling employees for testing after a qualifying event; status of injured employees and post-accident testing; place of specimen collections; consent to be tested is implied for all employees, and no special permission is required; obtaining cooperation of a facility for the purpose of testing; the role of the National Response Center and reporting employees who refuse testing; specimen collection and handling; handling of specimens; forms and proper completion; shipping specimens; FRA access to breath test results; mandatory testing and specimen collection from fatalities; notification of authorities and coroners and medical examiners;