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Employee Assistance Program EAP Blog

An Annual Reminder to All Supervisors about Maintaining a Respectful Workplace Is A Good Idea

Posted by Daniel Feerst on

Everyone once in a while as I look for workplace news that helps reduce behavioral risk, I see something simple, yet remarkable.

The University of Oregon now provides an annual letter to all supervisors and leadership that reminds them about the employer's expectations for maintaining a respectful workplace.

While many organizations have respect in the workplace policies, training, education, and even performance review elements, a reminder seems like a great idea.

And there are few reasons why:It is inexpensive - what does a letter to all the employees cost? Absolutely nothing, for the most part. Yet, how much does it save?

Even the smallest complaint in a work organization can cost thousands of dollars in HR time and toil responding to such incidents.

If the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission sends a letter to HR and asks them to respond to an incident, the cost in time (and usually a ruined weekend doing the paperwork) and attorney look-overs is off the chart. Kah-ching$.

The other point is pure marketing.

Touch points are everything in selling a concept -- and promoting a respectful workplace or selling a pillow on TV all have the same "top of mind" dynamic working for them.

(By the way. This is why I am a stickler for monthly employee wellness newsletters or company/employee newsletters being only two pages. Less is more. Frequency beats quantity. And if you want less behavioral risk, ditch the 4-pager sent only quarterly.)

See Oregon's policy and letter of reminder. Consider "stealing" this idea from them. It clearly appears to be cost beneficial as much as it is impacting on the workforce. (Then, phone the property causalty insurance company and demand a discount!)

See my new video on the FrontLine Employee newsletter here. I talk about respect in the workplace a lot.

Use the newsletter with the download without being bugged or harassed by me with any obligation whatsoever. The guy in the movie is NOT ME! His name is Ron. He is pretty awesome. I will get you his contact information if you would like to use him.

See Respect in the Workplace PowerPoint, DVD, Web Course, or Video for Training all employees along with a free Respect in the Workplace Supervisor Training module

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Respect in the Workplace Training Role Plays for Employees

PREVIEW THIS PROGRAMYou can educate employees about respect, but role plays are unsurpassed for helping employees begin the shift from being tolerant and respectful, to altering their biases that may spring back to life in the workplace and increase risk to the employer. Here are several role plays worth considering from our [ Respect in [...]

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