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Employee Assistance Program EAP Blog

EAPs: Helping Job-stressed Employees at Risk for Stroke

Posted by Daniel Feerst on


People with high stress jobs possess a 22 percent greater risk of stroke than those with low stress jobs. That’s what an examination of six studies concluded after following 138,782 people for 17 years. That's huge enough to push this into the irrefutable fact column. What is a high stress? Research say (I'm summarizing) that it includes overwhelming time pressure, high mental load, and severe coordination burdens. Can you think of any jobs like this in your organization?

Researchers do not see physical labor necessary producing the same degree of mental stress as other jobs that have less physical labor associated with them. EAP Impact: Create services and programs which  give people more control over their work, or work closely with them to target the stressors. Become a “control-over-your-work-expert” in your organization to reduce health problems and health risks. Become the person employees seek to gain relief from work stress burden. Send a proactive message--and use a push strategy to improve EAP utilization. You can do this with your EAP Employee Newsletter, an EAP poster, (please tell me you have one) or other strategies.These at-risk jobs include nursing aides, waitresses, and service industry positions among others according to researchers.

Where employees are faced with unpredictable demands and very little ability to have any control over when, how much, and the details of how they going to do the work, the combination of the dynamics create inordinate stress.

Try this free poster to increase EAP utilization and tell me how it works for you. Test your assumptions, ideas, and strategies. Researchers did not discuss EAPs, but both you and I know that EAPs are in the most strategic place to make a difference. Here is the article:

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