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12 Critical Topics for Employee Newsletters and Internal Corporate Health News Publications

Posted by Daniel A. Feerst, MSW, LISW-CP, Publisher on

Employee newsletters and Company Newsletter Solution  CLICK HERE TO DISCOVER FRONTLINE EMPLOYEE NEWSLETTER

Employees are your company's most valuable resource, but if they are ignored and left unattended to -- meaning without effective workplace communication and reasonable personal development opportunities, then they can potentially become your organization's most at-risk explosive financial nightmare.

There are many ways to attend to your employees' needs, but one of the most powerful is a workplace wellness, stress tips, productivity newsletter that they will be compelled to read, and that will find its way home where family members can read it, too. You will see why below with the list of topics shown. This sort of information is what can help employees and family members take steps to address personal issues affecting their lives.

Every business organization wants its employees to work with maximum levels of productivity, while experiencing high morale, and thinking like a team--viewing themselves as part of a "corporate family." Unfortunately, this ideal picture of what executives want to can be undermined by personal problems that follow employees to work.

There are ways to intervene, and of course an employee assistance program is one of them. However, you need to drive employee traffic to the EAP, and one of the best ways to do it is with a regularly disseminated workplace wellness or EAP newsletter.

If you are considering an employee newsletter, here are 12 topics that cover the territory of wellness, engagement, awareness, education, productivity, and goal achievement to help employees be your most valuable resource.

#1: Workplace Relationships -- getting along with others, communication, conflict resolution, etc.

#2: Worker Productivity -- tips on improving it and improve the bottom line

#3: Family, Home, and Community -- articles on improving personal, social, and occupational functioning

#4: Personal Fitness - about your body and mind and spirit

#5: Personal Effectiveness & Goal Attainment - all about you and being all you can be; peace of mind; and much more

#6: Team Building and Productivity - People and productivity

#7: Mental & Physical Health Education - Learning about one's mental health, physical health, and building resilience

#8: Hot Health Topics - What's in the news

#9: Stress Management Tips - pure and simple - dealing with stress

#10: EAP Education for Employees - critical - here is where to turn for help that the employer endorses as a confidential source of help.

#11: Workplace Safety and Injury Prevention - safety issues and preventing accidents

#12: Customer Service Issues for Employees - building, keeping, nurturing, managing customers, resolving conflicts, and more

Your employees are a captured audience and for that reason, making sure there is a continual pipeline to them with lots of helpful tips and resources, including workplace wellness and family health tips is crucial. Here is a newsletter that has been used worldwide for 20 years. Try it for 3-4 issues by phoning 1-800-626-4327, and see if it doesn't make an impact on your employees in a way that will benefit your bottom line.

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